Transparent imaging platform in vivo

In vitro transparent imaging platform

Product presentation

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Before and after comparison of transparency of different tissues3D holistic imaging of organoidsSpinal vascular network and neural 3D global imaging
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3D global imaging of muscular nerve and motor endplate3D global imaging of normal and injured renal vessels in mice3D holistic imaging of mouse embryos
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3D global imaging of cerebral vascular3D global imaging of the whole brain nerve based on AAV virus markers3D global imaging of renal and intestinal vessels
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3D global imaging of mice whole brain nerve3D global imaging of rat cerebral vascular network3D global imaging of brachial plexus nerve in mice
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3D global imaging of the whole brain nerve based on RV virus markers3D global imaging of the whole brain and kidney capillaries3D global imaging of the whole brain and renal vessels